This page serves as an example of the Capture Client Java Applet designed to auto refresh live webcam
images that are continuosly being FTP'd (transferred) to a web server from a network camera (such as NetCam)
or webcam software.

Features include:
o Single compact/quick-loading class file
o Auto-refreshes live webcam image at set interval
o Second/millisecond interval update resolution
o Optional built-in countdown to next image refresh
o Eliminates need for meta refresh
o Does not redraw entire page, only the live image
o Clean flicker-free update of live image
o Changeable "over image" URL
o "Over image" URL can be sent to different window
o Compatible with virtually all web browsers
  (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Flock, etc.)
o Compatible with virtually all operating systems
o No plug-in required for person viewing webcam (java is required)

Please note that the sample image above is static and will not update. When used with a network camera like NetCam or with
a live webcam image on a web site, the image will update live.

Here is the code required to implement the applet. Simply copy & paste the following code into your html.
Modify the refresh delay, width/height, image filename and URL to suit your needs.

<applet code="CaptureClient.class" width="640" height="493">
<param name="image" value="netcam.jpg">
<param name="delay" value="30">
<param name="status" value="2">
<param name="statusText" value="Next live image in %M:%S">
<param name="statusTextColor" value="#ffffff">
<param name="backgroundColor" value="#000000">
<param name="url" value="">

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